Remarkable Biography of Mrs. Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Released in Beijing

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Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Biography Book

Mrs. Ruth Mulan Chu Chao’s Biography Released in Beijing

Calm Amidst the Storm tells the inspiring story of the life of Mrs. Ruth Mulan Chu Chao, the beloved late wife of Foremost Group founder Dr. James S.C. Chao. The book is a stirring account of Mrs. Chao’s resilience and bravery throughout her 77 years of life in China and the United States.

Speaking at the October 31, 2018 book launch ceremony in Beijing covered by, an arm of the China Fortune Media Group (CFMG) that co-hosted the event together with the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), CPAFFC President Li Xiaolin said that Mrs. Chao “spared no effort in contributing to education in society and her resilience and courage amidst the ups and downs of life fully displayed the wisdom and character of Chinese women.” Many of those contributions are managed by The Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Foundation and other foundations set up by Mrs. and Dr. Chao to help young people access higher education and greater opportunities.

This is a summary of an article published by China Fortune Media Group (CFMG):