Foremost Group Marks Half a Century of Success

ground-breaking ceremony for the new Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center
The Ground-Breaking of the Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center – Ambassador Cui Tiankai and Wife in Attendance
September 3, 2014
50 Years of Foremost Group-All members of the Chao Family
Celebrating 50 Years of Foremost Group: A World Leader in Shipping and Transportation
January 2, 2015
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Chao Family

Not many corporations reach the point of celebrating 50 years in business, but recently Foremost Group did just that, bringing together its founder, family members, company employees, business associates and fans to reflect upon a half century of leadership in the world of international shipping and transportation. Not content merely to celebrate the past, Dr. James S.C. Chao, founder of Foremost Group, signed new contracts at the event with shipbuilder Oshima Shipbuilding Co immediately followed by a contract of employment of the ship to Mitsui O.S.K. Lines. Those in attendance spoke to Christie Clements, Sinovision Journal reporter, about the Chao’s commitment to family, honor and tradition. Dr. Chao’s daughters spoke eloquently about their father, who maintained a connection to his Chinese roots while embracing his American home.